One Match Remains

Level 58
: 5,000/10,000, 0 ante
Eevert Kokkonen vs. Max Steinberg is the last match going in the round of 32 and Kokkonen just doubled up to take a solid lead.
He opened to 20,000 on the button and Steinberg defended his big blind to see a flop. A check from Steinberg led to a bet of 25,000 from Kokkonen. That was met with a min-raise from Steinberg to 50,000, but Kokkonen came back over the top to 81,000. Steinberg jammed with the bigger stack, Kokkonen called, and the hands were revealed.
Kokkonen was ahead with top pair and maintained it through the turn and
river to double up and take about a 380,000 to 100,000 lead.