Marathon Match Continues After Getzwiller Gets a Five

After about ten consecutive hands in which the blinds and antes were captured by a single preflop raise, we suddenly saw both Sean Getzwiller and Sadan Turker stand and table their cards.
Getzwiller had open shoved from the button for approximately 4,000,000 chips and Turker instantly made the call with his . He found himself in great shape after Gitzwiller showed down the
and while there were definite chop possibilities, Turker had his sights set on a WSOP bracelet if he could dodge a five.
Gitzweller turned towards his rail and said "five coming" just as the dealer revealed the flop: . Apparently Gitzwiller was channeling Kreskin because his prediction was right on the money. The five on the flop vaulted him into the lead and now it was Turker who was left hoping to spike his kicker.
With that, Getzwiller had doubled his stack to just over 9,000,000 chips and this see-saw battle continues to rage as we approach five hours of heads-up play.