'80s Night at the Secondary Feature Table

It's '80s night here at the secondary feature table.
As they did yesterday, several of Bryan "Devo" Devonshire's supporters are sporting homemade Devo hats -- not quite the upside-down flower pots worn by the New Wave band. But the red sand buckets with the white letters "D-E-V-O" affixed to the front are serving as a reasonable facsimile.
Yesterday that crowd occasionally broke out a rendition of Devo's 1980 single "Whip It." No singing from them so far today, but Phil Collins' crew has filled that void well enough with their versions of some of Collins' namesake's biggest '80s hits.
"I can feel it�� coming in the air tonight�� oh, Loh-ord," we are hearing after each hand in which Collins scoops the pot. And sometimes when he doesn't.
To pick up the lyric, it's safe to say the players still fighting for the Main Event bracelet have been waiting for this moment all their lives. Though none probably thought the hits of the '80s would be providing the soundtrack.