BB Gets AA in the BB

Gionni Demers raised to 260,000 from middle position, and it folded around to Bounahra Badih in the big blind. Badih checked his cards and thought a bit, then announced he was reraising all in with the 1.605 he had left. Demers quickly called.
Badih got up and as he's done before when all in went over to the rail, standing with his back to the table and sharing laughs and smiles with his supporters. "I hate aces," he said. "I hate them, I hate them. I prefer seven-deuce offsuit. I honestly do..."
He continued to outline his antagonism toward pocket rockets as the dealer delivered the five community cards . Love 'em or hate 'em, aces saved Badih, as he now has 3.41 million. Demers, meanwhile, probably isn't liking aces too much either at the moment. He has 1.67 million left.