Huber Stacks Them Anew

Marc McLaughlin opened with a raise to 80,000 from under the gun, and it folded to Stefan Huber who pushed all in for 570,000 total from the cutoff.
It folded back to McLaughlin, and as he decided what to do the dealer counted out Huber's chips to get an exact figure, undoing the carefully stacked towers of chips -- with the marks lined up to create a barber-pole effect -- to do so. "No, don't do it," said Huber with a wry grin as he saw his work undone.
The count having been made, McLaughlin tanked for another couple of minutes before calling, turning over . Huber showed his
, and a tablemate remarked he probably didn't think he was going to be in such good shape after being called.
After the flop, however, Huber's situation was suddenly less comfortable, as McLaughlin had paired up. The turn was the
, and Huber was down to a final card. But the
binked on the river, and Huber survived.
Huber now has about 1.2 million to reorder in stacks according to his meticulous standards, while McLaughlin slips to 1.13 million.