Brummer Spitting Hot Fire!

Just a few minutes ago, we looked up when we heard the familiar sound of a celebratory scream and we saw that Gretchen "The Dragon Lady" Brummer was doing a mini dance in what we assumed was a big pot for her. We walked on over, and saw that her stack size had grown to about 21,000. We asked her what happened, and she gave us a recap of the big hand.
The under the gun player moved all in for 3,200, and action folded all the way around to Brummer in the small blind. She looked down at and decided to flat call. The big blind then moved all in for 5,000 more, and Brummer went deep into the tanks. She said "It felt like she was thinking for 10 minutes, but in reality it was probably only two." She decided to make the call, and saw she was in fairly good shape. The big blind had
, but one of those outs was taken, as the under the gun player had
. The board bricked out for both, and Brummer scored the double knock out, giving her 21,000 in chips.