Gibralter Rocks Sands, Takes Chip Lead

We've had our first big hand of the final table. It began with a raise to 40,000 by Robert Campbell from middle position. Jeffrey Gibralter, sitting one seat over, called the raise, and it folded to chip leader David "Doc" Sands in the small blind. Sands looked over at his two opponents, then announced he was reraising pot to 184,000. Marco Oliveira quickly folded from the big blind, and Campbell got out as well. But after thinking for about a minute, Gibralter made the call.
The flop came , and after taking about a half-minute Sands announced he was betting the pot -- 420,000. Gibralter didn't take very long to announce he was reraising all in, and Sands made the call.
"Come on, one time," said Gibralter. The turn was the and river the
, which meant the seven in his hand gave Gilbralter a pair and the huge pot.
We have a new chip leader. Gilbralter moves to 1.46 million, while Sands slips to 360,000.