Porter Does it Again

We've seen Rep Porter all in a few times today, and we just saw it happen again.
Porter completed with an , and Stephen Su raised with a
. Next door, Mikhail Smirnov reraised with a
of his own, and Porter raised it up to four bets. Su capped it at 30,000, and each of his two opponents came along to fourth street.
Porter: (X)(X) / / (X)
Su: (X)(X) / / (X)
Smirnov: (X)(X) / / (X)
On fourth street, Porter bet all in for his last 3,000 little chips. Su raised to 9,000, and Smirnov called to create a side pot between those two live players. Su bet fifth, then check-called a Smirnov bet on sixth. Both of them checked through seventh, and the cards were turned up.
Porter: /
Su: /
Smirnov: /
Su bricked off pretty hard, and Smirnov won the side pot with his ten-low. Porter's nine was good enough to give him the main pot, and it draws him back into this battle with 110,000 chips once again.