Adeniya Alive After All-in Against Ausmus

Daniel Negreanu opened with a raise to 18,000 from middle position, then Martins Adeniya, sitting to Negreanu's left, shoved all in over the top for about 120,000. It folded to Jeremy Ausmus in the big blind who reshoved all in his entire stack of about 250,000. Negreanu thought a moment, then shrugged and folded his face up.
Adeniya then showed and Ausmus
. "Wow," said Negreanu. "You saved me," referring to Ausmus and his isolating-reshove. "Unless a nine comes, of course."
The flop came and the turn
, and Adeniya's jacks were still best. Negreanu's words must've been lingering in his brain, though, as the river brought the
and a visible reaction from Adeniya. "No, no, that's me," Negreanu said with a laugh, and Adeniya admitted he'd mistakenly thought for a second the nine had sunk him.
But Adeniya survives, now with 256,000. Ausmus slips to 136,000, while Negreanu hovers around 270,000.