Well, That's Just Pechie
We picked up the action on the flop as the dealer spread out
. Jude Ainsworth checked from the blinds, and Justin Pechie continued out with a bet of 3,800. Ainsworth spent a moment studying, and he eventually figured a shove was in order, check-raising all in for 26,600. Pechie didn't like it, but he asked for the count. "I'm probably going to call," he made his intentions known. When he learned the number, he did indeed call, and Ainsworth rolled over his top card, the
. Then he flipped the second one over, the
. Pechie was a little bit miffed about the perceived slowroll, and he showed down an inferior
The turn was a rag, and the river
gave Ainsworth the flush he didn't even need. With it comes a double up to about 60,000 and an explanation. "Sorry," he apologized. "I was just turning my top card over. It was just my top card. Sorry."
Pechie is down under 40,000 now.