Rudnik Doubles
Level 28
: 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

From under the gun, Jonathan Clancy raised to 155,000. Andrew Rudnik was next to act. He motioned with his hands that he was all in and quietly announced it to the dealer. Action quickly folded back around the Clancy who had chips ready to dump into the pot.
For a more than 2.4 million chip pot we went racing. The flop helped Rudnik immediately when it came down . Without running wheel cards to split, Rudnik just needed to avoid the last two Queens in the deck. The turn was the
which gave Rudnik trips but changed nothing. The river was a heart-stopping
but was a brick nonetheless.
With that pot, Rudnik is second in chips with 2.41 million while Clancy falls to 375,000.