Seed Scoops

Level 6
: 600/1,200, 100 ante

Ville Wahlbeck: /
John Racener: /
Huck Seed: /
Wahlbeck had the bring in and Seed raised. Both Racener and Wahlbeck called. On fourth, Wahlbeck checked to Seed, who bet. Again Racener and Wahlbeck called. On fifth, Wahlbeck led out and Seed flatted. Racener folded. On sixth, Wahlbeck ended up check-calling a bet from Seed on both sixth and seventh.
Seed tabled for both the straight-high and the eight-low, which was good enough to scoop the pot.
Seed is back up to 14,000 while Wahlbeck has slipped to 35,000.