Want a Lifesaver?

After dropping a few chips in a previous pot, Charles Cohen raised all-in from the button, putting his last 645,000 at risk. Joseph Bolnick capped his cards and asked the dealer to pull in his big blind, wondering how much more he needed to call.
Cohen, who is known as "Brooklyn" by his fellow players, stood up and pulled a package of Lifesaver candies from his pocket, tossing it to the tanking Bolnick. "Want a Lifesaver?" he asked before walking away to await Bolnick's decision.
Eventually, Bolnick announced "I'm gonna have to let you have this pot Brooklyn" before tossing his cards in the muck. He later told Cohen, "I was honestly going to call until you offered me the Lifesavers." Depending on whether or not Cohen was bluffing, those candies may have really been life savers after all.