Crow Runs into Rockets; Eliminated

Level 22
: 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

The action began with Stephen Krieg opening for 50,000 from middle position. Action folded around to Ralph Crow on the button, who went all-in for his last 210,000. Walter Browne tanked from the big blind, but eventually decided to call.
In an act of confusion, Crow revealed the before Stephen Krieg announced his action. Krieg announced he wanted to fold, but a floorman was called over. The floorman decided that Crow would receive a penalty if he survived the all-in. However, revealed hands showed that Crow was in about as worse of shape you can be in as far as Hold'em hands go.
The board ran out , leaving Crow second-best and sending him to the rail.
Browne is just over one million in chips.