Patel Staying Active

Level 22
: 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Emil Patel has easily been the most active player at this final table, especially since he doubled up earlier to get his hands on a larger stack. Four hands in a row just happened where Patel opened with a raise to 40,000 preflop. On the first and third, everyone folded and he won the blinds. On the second hand, Juha Vilkki three-bet to 150,000 and Patel folded.
On the fourth one, he was called by both blinds, Cody Munger in the small blind and Jeff Sarwer in the big blind. After the flop came down , Munger checked and Sarwer bet the pot for 120,000. Patel and Munger folded and Sarwer picked up the pot.