Loman Makes It Two In A Row To Stay Alive
Coming back from our last break, Kyle Loman was playing the extreme short stack and needed to make some moves in order to survive. On a hand of Stud-8, Loman got it all-in against two opponents who checked it down trying to eliminate the vulnerable player. Loman's final board read and his two pair were good enough for a chop, after one opponent tabled the
for a 2-4-6-7-8 low.
In the very next hand, this time playing Hold'em, Loman raised to 8,000 from late position and was three-bet to 12,000 by the button. Loman made the call and we saw a flop of . The button bet enough to force Loman all-in and showed down the
, which was far ahead of Loman's
With fortunate cards on both the turn and river, Loman finished with a wheel straight and picked up the pot, putting him back into contention as Day 2 rolls on.