Chad Brown: Good Guy, Great Player, Better Teacher

We caught up with the action on sixth street, as Chad Brown was involved in a heads-up hand.
Brown: (X)(X) -
Opponent: (X)(X) -
The dealer mistakenly dealt Brown's card on seventh street, which was the , face up and after Brown politely pointed out the error, the dealer compounded the mistake by dealing the opponent's last down card, the
face up as well. He explained to Brown that because he accidentally dealt one card face up, he had to expose deal the other player's card as well.
Brown tabled his down cards for two pair, sevens and fours, and chopped the pot with his opponent, who held a 24567 low. Brown then calmly explained to the dealer that, in this instance, he should not have dealt the opponent's card face up and should have called the floor. In a WSOP which has seen many players unable to control their anger, the easy going nature Brown displayed in this hand showed exactly why the poker community has supported Brown so vocally as he struggles to overcome a cancer diagnosis and subsequent radiation treatments.