I'm the Defending Champ and I Make Quads

We caught up with the action on the board. Three players were involved, including last year's champion in this event James Dempsey. Dempsey was first and checked. The next player also checked before action fell on Kyle Bowker. He fired a bet of 400 and only Dempsey called.
The turn was the and both Dempsey and Bowker checked to see the
fall on the river. Dempsey fired 1,100 with 1,150 behind. Bowker tanked for a minute or two and then made the call.
Dempsey tabled the for quad kings. "I had the other king," announced Bowker as a joke before mucking his hand. Dempsey scooped the pot and moved to 4,700 in chips. Bowker slipped to 1,400.
On the first break, Dempsey chatted with our lovely resident Australian Lynn Gilmartin. Here's what they had to chat about.