Madsen Missteps...Twice

We caught up with the action in the first hand with the board reading and Jeff Madsen bet out 650 from middle position. His lone opponent on the button called.
The river fell a and Madsen bet 1,500. Almost as quickly as Madsen bet, his opponent said, "All in" and pushed his remaining 800 into the pot, which actually meant he just called. He immediately flipped over the
for a flush and Madsen said, "It's good," before mucking his hand.
On the very next hand, Madsen opened for 125 and found four callers.
The flop was and it was checked around to the player on Madsen's immediate left, who bet 275. Everyone folded to Madsen, who called.
The turn came the and both players checked.
When the river fell, Madsen fired 400 and his opponent verbally announced, "Call" and flipped over
for two-pair. Madsen again mucked without showing his hand.
It seems Madsen was off to a good start, however, as his stack is still a healthy 4,000 after losing those two pots.