Forrest with a Sweat

Ted Forrest raised to 1,800 from the cutoff and the big blind moved all in for about 11,800 total. Forrest then stood up, put a knee on his chair, sat back down and was still contemplating his decision. Eventually, he did call and revealed . When he saw his opponents
he actually apologized to the table for thinking so long.
But he wasn't out of the dark just yet. The flop came giving his opponent a flush and one good gutter straight draw (the higher end of his double gutter draw would give Forrest a better straight). Plus he still had three Nine's that could give him the win. Forrest was actually a dog at this point in the hand having to dodge 15 outs twice. The
on the turn helped but the
on the river helped even more. Two bricks and Forrest sent one to the rail.
After the hand, now sitting with a healthy 55,000, Forrest talked outloud about how he might have to adjust his game if Ace-Jack was that good in that spot. Free information and advice from a respected professional is always welcome Mr. Forrest, thank you.