Hand #185: Michael Mizrachi Eliminated in 5th Place ($2,332,992)

Joseph Cheong has the button in Seat 2.
Action folds to Jonathan Duhamel in the small blind. He limps in. Michael Mizrachi declines his option in the big blind. On a flop of , Duhamel checks. Grinder takes a stab with a bet of 2 million. Duhamel check-raises, Mizrachi moves all in and Duhamel calls! It all happens so fast it takes everyone by surprise.
It's a crafty play of aces by Duhamel that neatly ensnares Mizrachi's top pair. Mizrachi is at risk and is going to need some help to avoid elimination. He is standing over the table, waiting for the turn. The is no help. He's down to his last card.
The river is another face card, but it's not the queen Mizrachi needs. It's the . Duhamel's rail is ecstatic as their man stacks up the Grinder's chips and knocks out Mizrachi.
With Mizrachi's elimination in 5th place, Frank Kassela has (finally!) wrapped up the title of 2010 WSOP Player of the Year.