Ace from Space

It just takes Humberto Brenes to scratch his bottom for the cameras to swarm around the table, but on this occasion the attention was warranted as the Costa Rican found himself all in for his tournament life.
I shall go out on a limb and assume that Brenes pushed all in from the small blind with , and was called by the
of the big blind. Either way, when I arrived, a
lay on the felt and Brenes was busy entertaining the fans at home.
"Aaaaaace!" he demanded in his familiar twang and with his arms raised aloft and his shark sitting patiently on the felt. "Aaaaaace!"
The turn came the , and Brenes widened his request range: "Blaaaaack!... Aaaaaace!... Teeeeen!"
At the approval of ESPN, the dealer reached for the top of the deck and pulled out the... .
"Yeaaaaaaaaah!" yelled Brenes. "Come ooooon!" He then proceeded to celebrate in his native tongue and punch the air with his fists. At the same time, he rested his arm on his opponent with a smile, almost as if to say, "I'm just having fun, it's nothing personal."
I couldn't quite get a count as Brenes' was laborious in stacking, but it can't be much more than 100,000.
"Now I'm in the game," he added with an smile.