Prescott Prevails
After a raise and a call, Allie Prescott called from the small blind, and the big blind joined them. They were four-handed to the flop. Prescott checked, and the big blind followed suit. The pre-flop raiser bet 3,400, and the hijack flatted. Action back on him, Prescott check-raised to 19,400, about half of his stack. The big blind folded, as did the original bettor. Then the hijack, the same player who tried and failed to bluff Prescott in this hand, went into the tank. He decided to move all in, and Prescott insta-called all in for a total of 44,300.
Prescott: for top two
Hijack: for the nut flush draw
The turn wasn't a spade, nor was the
. That doubled Prescott to 98,000.