Runner-Runner Straight Chip Lead for Smith
On a flop of Tyler Smith fired out 2,200 and found a caller next to speak before an opponent in late position check-raised all in for 12,925.
Smith made the call only to have the smooth-caller move all in for an additional 21,675 to Smith.
After doing some calculations and thinking, Smith eventually made the call to put both opponents at risk.
Short Stack:
The landed on the turn to give Smith a straight draw to go along with his flush draw, and when the
landed on the river, Smith was preparing himself to collect the pot.
"Yeah! F**k yeah!" screamed the smooth-caller thinking that his top set had held up.
Smith cheekily pushed his a little closer to both the board and his opponent to signify the straight, as the embarrassed smooth-caller made a quick to the exit.
Smith is now our chip leader with 156,000 in chips.