Krouner KOd by Kings

All of Table 371 just stood up in unison to sweat an all in, so we knew something significant was going on. Sure enough, our intrepid field reporter brought us this gem:
Under the gun, James Dempsey opened to 16,000 before Kenneth Krouner three-bet to 60,000 total. When the action came to Joe Gotlieb, he potted it, enough to cover both of his potential opponents. Dempsey quickly made the call all in, saying, "Time to run good," as he did. Not to be outdone, Krouner slid his chips in as well, putting a pot of nearly a half million chips in the middle of the table. Cards up please, gentlemen:
(also oof, but one flush draw at least)
Despite all the standing and sweating, there wouldn't be much excitement on board. The dealer ran out blanks:
. That's going to be the end of Krouner's day, and Gotlieb drops all the way down to 120,000.
On quite the flip side of things, James Dempsey is once again the commanding chip leader with 470,000.