Gelencser Pulling Even

Peter Gelencser had the button and both players put in three bets pre-draw and then drew two each. After the first draw, Zimmerman was first up and bet. Gelencser raised and then Zimmerman reraised. Gelencser called.
For the second go around, Zimmerman stood pat. Gelencser drew one card and then raised after Zimmerman bet out. Zimmerman made the call.
Although Zimmerman stood pat on the last draw, for the third draw he broke his hand and drew one card. Gelencser was the one to stand pat this time. Both players then checked.
Zimmerman showed a ninety-seven, but was beat by Gelencser's eighty-six. Zimmerman dropped back to 1.275 million while Gelenscer closed the gap and now has just about one million.