Gelencser Takes Largest Pot of the Tournament

Peter Gelencser raised pre-draw and all three of his opponents called. Raphael Zimmerman was up first for the first draw and wanted two cards. McNamara was next and wanted two as well before the pre-draw raiser took three cards. David Chiu was the last to select and took two.
After the draw, a lot of chips went into the pot. Zimmerman bet, McNamara called, Gelencser called, Chiu raised, Zimmerman reraised, McNamara tank-folded, Gelencser called and Chiu also called.
On the next draw, three players remained and they all elected to draw one card each. Then, they all checked their option.
For the third and final draw, they all selected one card apiece again. Zimmerman checked after the draw and Gelencser bet. Chiu folded his hand, but Zimmerman made the call.
"Number two," announced Gelencser, revealing the . Zimmerman mucked and Gelencser scooped the massive pot.