Boeken Busto

Noah Boeken opened to 2,600 and Nicolas Levi bumped it to 6,000 from the big blind.
Boeken made the call to see a flop fall and a bet of 5,500 follow from Levi. Boeken deliberated for a few moments before tossing in five orange 5,000-denomination chips amounting to a raise of 25,000.
Levi took his time mulling over a decision before announcing a call and flipping his hand believing that Boeken was all in when in reality still had a further 14,900 behind.
The dealer burned and turned the on the turn and Levi tossed in three 5,000-denomination chips with Boeken sliding his remaining chips.
The river landed the to see Boeken miss his flush draw and be sent to the rail as Levi progresses to the second round of play.