The Shark Hungry for One of Stars' Own
Team PokerStars Pro: Brazil's Humberto Brenes and his tablemate, Team Online Pro member George Lind, have been mixing it up with each other all night. They went heads up to a raised flop that fell . Brenes checked, and Lind checked behind. The
turn completed every draw in the book, and Brenes check-called 2,000. It was back to check-check when the board paired with the
river. Brenes showed
for top three pair, but Lind's
gave him a baby flush to win the hand.
A few minutes later, they were heads up again on an flop. Brenes checked, and Lind bet 3,500. Brenes check-raised for the size of the pot, and after some thought, Lind gave in to the power of the shark. Brenes is currently working with 37,000 while Lind is on 24,000.