Hellmuth and Madsen

Their table is four-handed, but you wouldn't be able to tell the way Phil Hellmuth and Jeff Madsen are going at it.
In a recent hand, action folded to Hellmuth in the small blind.
"I'm supposed to raise here I think," he said after sweating his cards.
"No," Madsen returned. "You just know that if you limp I'm going to raise anyway."
Hellmuth indeed raised and Madsen defended.
"I bet blind," Hellmuth blurted.
"I call blind," Madsen said.
The dealer was a bit confused after dealing the flop, but eventually delivered the
on the turn.
Hellmuth fired a bet and Madsen thought a bit before folding.
"I should've raised dark," Madsen grinned.
"Oooooooh," Hellmuth gushed. "I might've re-raised dark!"
We're sure that these two will continue to tangle until one of them is eliminated from the tournament.