We Have a Bubble Boy. Or Two.

Joe Tehan made it 5,800 to go from middle position, and Neil Channing moved all in for an additional 33,800. Tehan called with
, and Channing was in bad shape as he rolled over his
The board would not save Mr. Channing either, running
to eliminate him as the potential bubble boy. Ah, but there was another hand in progress at an adjacent table...
Jonathan Tare saw Neil Channing bust as he was in the tank mulling over a big decision. The board showed
, and Daniel Buzgon had made a covering all-in shove after the river. Tare called the floor and asked what would happen if he were to be eliminated, and the T.D. told him that he and Channing would split the bottom payout. "Okay, I call!" Tare said quickly.
He turned up
for the set, but Buzgon had that beat. His
turned a straight, and he's eliminated Jonathan Tare as the other half-bubble boy.
Tare and Channing will split $5,992, good for $4 short of their buy-in back each. The remaining 89 players are now in the money, and we're hunkered down for the short-stack double-up-or-go-home frenzy.
Tehan - 93,000
Buzgon - 165,000