Raymer Playing a Yo-Yo

Greg Raymer recently lost almost all his chips before quadrupling up on the next hand.
On the hand that did the damage, Michael Mizrachi was in the button and had just called a raise from a player in middle position. Raymer was in the big blind and re-raised with both other players calling.
The flop came and Raymer led out with a bet only to be raised by the player in mid-position. Mizrachi excused himself from the hand and Raymer made the call.
Raymer elected to check-call both the on the turn as well as the
on the river and left himself with just 800 chips when he mucked after seeing his opponent's
On the very next hand Raymer was in the small blind and had committed over 25% of his chips when the mid-position player from the last hand raised once again. Michael Mizrachi and the player in the button both called, and Raymer put in the rest of his chips to make a call.
The flop came down and and the initial raiser bet once more with Mirachi calling and the player on the button electing to fold. The hand was checked down through the
turn and river.
Raymer showed for two pair and the main pot, while the mid-position player showed
for the side pot.
Raymer now has about 4,000.