Raymond Coburn Eliminated in Second Place ($446,274)

Raymond Coburn limped in with the button and Jesse Rockowitz checked his option.
The flop fell and Rockowitz led for 95,000. Coburn raised to 500,000, Rockowitz re-raised to 1,360,000 and Coburn called.
The turn brought the and Rockowitz led again - this time for 945,000. Coburn announced all in and Rockowitz shot up from his chair. Rockowitz asked for the dealer to pull the bet in and stood in silence mulling the decision over. Nobody made a sound during the tank.
Finally, Rockowitz called and nearly everyone in the area rushed to the table to get a look at the hands:
One must have a five or a ten to make any straight in poker, and those were the only two cards that could keep Coburn alive. The on the river was a big, fat brick though and Coburn was eliminated in 2nd place.
Coburn played valiantly throughout the entire tournament, and for his efforts he will receive $446,274.