Nishijima Doubles Through

Completely out of the blue, Thiago Nishijima moved all in from the small blind and Kevin O'Dell called quicker than a jet-propelled whippet. As the Brazilian dominated rail neared the table, the cards were placed on their backs, Nishijima in piping hot water with versus
I'm not sure if they were requesting a jack specifically, or just a red flop, but the Brazilian fans began chanting avidly in support of their man. Meanwhile, the dealer rolled out the flop: .
The rail seemed pessimistic, but when the turn came the a few on them grew ants in their pants and began hopping around with excitement. Then, the river...
The room erupted like Mount Vesuvias as Nishijima fist-pumped the air with both hands whilst wearing a war face that would make the Terminator cry. His fans leapt from the rail and jumped on top of him as if he'd won the World Cup.
After the celebrations had died down, Odell began dipping into his stack and sliding the necessary chips over to his neighbor. The result: Odell down to 5,600,000, whilst Nishijima doubles to 1,700,000.