Razz The Skill Game
As we moved around to razz, Richard Ashby turned to his entourage and laughed, "This is where the skill comes in now boys!"
In the first two hands, Ashby had some mixed "skill".
Ashby won the first pot after completing and then firing a bet on fourth, before check-calling fifth against Eugene Katchalov. Ashby took the lead again on sixth and took it down with a bet as Katchalov folded.
Ashby: (X-X) /
Katchalov: (X-X) /
Next hand, Ian Gordon completed before Richard Ashby raised. Gordon re-raised and Ashby called. Gordon called a bet on fourth before leading the betting on fifth, sixth and seventh. Ashby was forced to fold the river when he bricked out.
Gordon: (X-X) / / (X)
Ashby: (X-X) / / (
Ashby is back down to 1.85 million.