Big Bluff By Glantz Leaves Johnson In A Mess

It's not often you get to see a really good bluff during a limit game, but sometime the stakes are so high and every chip worth so much that it opens opportunities for something special.
Marco Johnson completed with Matt Glantz making the call. Johnson led on fourth before Glantz announced a raise on fifth. Johnson called, and then led out again on sixth. Glantz called and they went to the river.
Johnson: (X-X) / / (X)
Glantz: (X-X) / / (X)
Johnson checked and Glantz appeared to squeeze his river card. He then came out with a bet that sent Johnson deep into the tank. It was clearly a pained decision and his table mates gave him all the time he needed to think about it. He went through all the scenarios, and after about six minutes in the tank, he decided to make a big fold and save his last 230,000 for another spot.
As the pot was pushed his way, Glantz then looked up and said to Johnson, "I haven't looked."
This sent Johnson off as he stormed away in disgust as he realized that he'd been bluffed off the pot.
"Do you want to see it? It's up to you," said Glantz.
Johnson nodded and Glantz produced for just a pair of sevens - clearly the second best hand.
"I'm only showing you because you're a friend," continued Glantz as Johnson was clearly rattled.