Going Going...
Ian Gordon is now on the short stack after losing back to back Omaha-8 pots.
In the first hand he tangled with Richard Ashby on a board of . We caught it on the turn where Gordon bet and Ashby put in a raise saying "all in". Of course, that move wasn't allow in a limit game, but the raise stood, and Ashby tried to go "all in" again on the river. The bet was 120,000 and Gordon looked him up. Ashby opened
for nut low and flush which was good to scoop.
Next hand, Gordon raised the button and Matt Glantz called in the big blind. Glantz check-called on the flop before the turn and river were checked down on the board. Surprisingly, Glantz opened
for just sevens which were good.
Gordon is down to 300,000, Glantz has just over 1 million while Ashby is up over 2.1 million and looking strong.