Brown Chops Down Another Player
We came to Chad Brown's table on the turn,
. The action was three-handed. The first player, with only about 2,200 in his stack, checked to Brown. Brown eyed that player's stack before betting 2,500 into a pot of about 5,000. The third player tanked for more than a minute before moving all in for a total of 4,500. The first player folded, with Brown then quickly calling.
Brown showed down , a pair of aces and a partial wrap straight draw with a made low. He was up against a set of sevens with a straight draw,
but no low draw. The
hit the river to give Brown a straight to the nine and a scoop.
After Brown collected the pot to stack up to 21,500, he flagged down a cocktail waitress and ordered a Colombian coffee with a shot of Colombian espresso in it. The waitress tried to sell him on the idea of adding Bailey's to that concoction but Brown demurred. He then asked the waitress what she thought of Will "the Thrill" Failla's hair. The waitress declined to comment.
"I can't even get Juan Valdez's sister to hit on me," joked Failla.