Bobby "The Bus" Ferdinand Eliminated in 15th Place ($11,316)

Bobby Ferdinand just wouldn't die. But even the most stubborn of fighters can only last so long with one big blind. He was all in for 18,000, and Todd Barlow called from the small blind. Big blind/big stack Sasha Rosewood raised, and Barlow called to see the flop. Barlow check-folded to a bet from Rosewood, sending the hand to showdown. It was not looking good for Bobby's
against Rosewood's
, but with a
on the turn and
on the river, Ferdinand managed a runner-runner straight to chop the pot and stay alive.
"Good luck to everybody if I depart," he told the table. "I'm not a very good loser. I'll say it now before I get up and walk away." Next hand he folded, and the one after that, he was in the big blind with 12,000 chips behind. Action folded to Mike Cipolla in the small blind, who limped and let Ferdinand keep his chips until after the flop. Then he bet, and Bobby called all in. It was Bobby's
against Cipolla's
. The turn brought the
, and Ferdinand groaned. The river was the
, giving Cipolla a flush for the high half. Yet again, Ferdinand's better low allowed him to chop and stay alive.
Just as he was chopping the last one, Andreas Krause was eliminated in 16th place. "Look! I made a pay jump!" he told his fiance on the rail. The next hand, the Bus was in the small blind and stuck in his last chips when it folded to him. In the big blind, Ylon Schwartz called the extra 12,000, and it was time to show. Ferdinand needed his to best Ylon's
to stay alive. The board ran out
, and though Ferdinand got the low cards he was yelling for, they weren't quite the right ones. Schwartz scooped the pot with kings and sixes and finally busted Ferdinand in 15th place. Though the Bus warned he was a poor loser, he shook hands with several people at the table and left cheerfully.