Winner: Derric Haynie First to Advance to Day 3

Derric Haynie is our first winner today, securing himself a spot at tomorrow's 14-player tourney to decide the bracelet.
In the final hand, Haynie opened for 3,200, Joseph Morneau reraised to 10,500, Haynie reraised all in, and Morneau called with the last of his chips.
The board went . Both paired their jacks, but Haynie had the best kicker and wins the table.
Incidentally, we mentioned after the dinner break that these two weren't playing right away. As it happened Haynie, had arrived back on time, but Morneau was late by about 10 minutes. Rather than sit at the table and take his short-stacked opponent's blinds, Haynie also sat off to the side until Morneau arrived.