Who's On First?
After a very bizarre last hand, Ben Zamani has advanced to Day 2.
We went to the table after the hand had played out because the player he defeated was shouting at the dealer, tournament directors and anyone who would listen.
"I said 'do you call?'" he kept repeating. "Not 'I call.'"
The board was and on the river the player in question put out a bet. Zamani moved all in, pushing a large stack out in front of him and the player in question said something with "call" in it turing over
for just queen high.
Zamani opened for two pair and won the hand and the table.
The dealer claims that he heard the word "call" and a tournament director explained to the player that once he opened his hand after Zamani moved in, his chips were committed.
The player in question was baffled, but the ruling is official and cannot be reversed.