Match 2: Schmejkal's Straight Run Down
Both players limped in to see a flop fall and a check follow from Ernst Schmejkal as Ayaz Mahmood fired out 75,000.
Ernst Schmejkal check-raised to 200,000 and Mahmood hesitantly made the call to see the land on the turn and Schmejkal fire out a 225,000-chip bet.
Deliberating for a few moments, Mahmood made the call as the dealer delivered the on the river as Schmejkal checked the action over to Mahmood.
Mahmood cut out a bet of 400,000 and Schmejkal made the call.
Mahmood tabled his for a full house as Schmejkal flashed his
for a flopped straight to slip to 3,820,000 as Mahmood sneaked ahead with 3,860,000 in chips.