Match 1: Advantage Schmejkal

Ernst Schmejkal raised to 240,000 from the small blind/button, and Ayaz Mahmood called the raise. The flop came monotone -- . Mahmood bet 200,000, and Schmejkal called. The turn was the
. Mahmood bet 250,000 this time, and Schmejkal again called.
The river was the . Mahmood pushed out a bet of 550,000, and Schmejkal sat motionless for about a minute. He then began arranging his stacks of chips, finally pushing out three tall stacks of greens (25,000) for a bet of 1.5 million. Mahmood instantly folded.
Schmejkal retakes the lead on that hand, pushing to 4.35 million to Mahmood's 3.33 million.