Rice Makes Quads

Pot-Limit Omaha
This may seem like just an Omaha event the way we're reporting it, but it's not. Trust us, there's some hold'em involved, but not much of the action is happening during the hold'em rounds and that's why we have so many Omaha hands.
Joel Ettedgi started off the action with a raise to 2,200 from middle position Shawn Rice flat-called on the button and then Gavin Cochrane reraised the pot from the bi blind to 8,800. There was a dead small blind on the hand.
When action moved back to Ettedgi, he reraised and was all in. Rice then called and was all in for less. Cochrane called the all-in bets and had more than both players. Here's what they held.
The board ran out and Rice made quad fours with his hand. He was all in for 13,200 total preflop and tripled up. Ettedgi was scooped out of the tournament as Cochrane won the side pot.