Davis Survives; Rice Receives Penalty

With chip daddy Aadam Daya raising it up from the button, Irving Rice moved all in from the big blind for a total of 761,000. Daya tanked for a minute or two before folding, only for Rice to throw across the felt.
But what he didn't realize, however, was that Bart Davis had flat called the initial raise from the small blind, and was still in the hand! "Woah, woah!" exclaimed Davis understandably. "Live hand here." The floor was inevitably called, and it was declared that Rice's hand wasn't dead, but once Davis had made his decision, Rice would receive a one round penalty for his crime.
Although you might think it would be an easy fold/call with the cards revealed, it seemingly made life tougher, Rice holding the same hand (), but unsuited. In the end, he decided the pot was large enough for the clubs to be of little relevance, and made the call.
However, the insignificant became significant as the flop came to give Rice the nut flush draw. Davis jumped out his seat and squirmed behind his chair as if being shot at by a sniper. The
hit the turn, and Davis flinched once again, but by the
river he could finally breath a sigh of relief and receive half the pot.