Degreef Down to a Bowl of Rice

If it's been quiet on the feature table, then it's been anything but on the outer table, mainly thanks to Jeremiah Degreef who found himself involved in two key hands. On the first, he came over the top of Richard Rice's open to 86,000, only for Degreef to move all in for a total of 350,000 from the small blind. Rice made the call with , but was not happy to see Degreef table
. He needn't have worried, though, as the board came a clinical
to double him up to 755,000, and send Degreef hurtling down to 80,000.
Moments later, Degreef moved his bowl of rice in with , only to be given a spin by Eric Baldwin's
in the big blind. The board came
to keep him alive at 190,000 and drop Baldwin down a notch or two to 700,000.