Stephane Tayar Eliminated in 4th Place ($96,243)

Stephane Tayar raised pot under the gun to 140,000, leaving himself only 10,000 behind. Miguel Proulx, who was next to act, made the call. The blinds then got out of the way.
Before the flop, Tayar bet his last 10,000 and Proulx called so they could turn up their cards.
The flop came down , giving Tayar a pair of queens with a draw to the straight flush if the
hit; however, Proulx had picked up the royal flush draw, so Tayar needed to avoid all spades.
Unfortunately for him, the cale on the turn, locking up the hand for Proulx. The
was run out on the river for good measure, and Tayar was officially eliminated from the tournament in fourth place.