Level: 22
Blinds: 8,000/16,000
Ante: 0
Level: 22
Blinds: 8,000/16,000
Ante: 0
Dilyan Kovachev raised to 35,000 from middle position and L.J. Klein called. Everyone else got out of the way and the two saw a flop of .
Kovachev tossed out a bet of 50,000 and Klein made the call. When the hit the turn, Kovachev bet 120,000 only to have Klein raise all in for 490,000. Kovachev, who was clearly surprised, stood up and began to contemplate what Klein could have.
Eventually Kovachev slammed his cards down and folded. Klein is up to 685,000 after the hand while Kovachev dropped to 345,000.
Patrick Hanoteau raised to 25,000 in middle position and was called by Joerg Engels. Tommy Le then moved all in for a total of 42,000 and both players called.
The flop came and both Hanoteau and Engels checked. They then checked down both the
on the turn and
on the river.
Le turned over for flopped quads! He tripled up on the hand, but is still short with around 140,000.
With only ten remaining, the players have combined to one table and received new seating assignments.
Seat 1: Patrick Hanoteau
Seat 2: Joerg Engels
Seat 3: Dilyan Kovachev
Seat 4: Miguel Proulx
Seat 5: L.J. Klein
Seat 6: Michael Greco
Seat 7: Tommy Le
Seat 8: Karl Gal
Seat 9: Stephane Tayar
Seat 10: Trevor Pope
Joe Serock minimum-raised to 24,000 from under the gun, Miguel Proulx called behind him, and both blinds -- Dilyan Kovachev (small) and Stephane Tayar (big) -- called as well.
The flop came . It checked to Serock who bet 96,000, leaving himself 77,000 behind. Proulx folded quickly, then Kovachev tanked for nearly five minutes before the clock was called. Time running out, Kovachev made his decision.
"All or nothing, I raise," he said. "Good luck to you." Serock called with his remaining chips, showing for the flopped straight. Kovachev turned over
for a flush draw and two pair.
The turn was the and Serock's hand was still best. But the river brought the
, giving Kovachev the hand and eliminating Serock.
A pause now as we redraw for seats around the not-quite-final ten-handed table, then move over to one of the feature tables across the Amazon ballroom.
Patrick Hanoteau opened for 30,000 from the button, and Trevor Pope reraised to 102,000 from the small blind, leaving himself just 37,000 behind. The big blind folded, and Hanoteau called.
Hanoteau was looking for low cards with which to bust Pope's aces, but the board didn't cooperate with the Frenchman's plans, coming . Pope doubles to 300,000, while Hanoteau still has 1.05 million.
We have a couple of short stacks on Table 262 -- Tommy Le and Stephane Tayar -- doing what they can to try to survive to the final table.
Tayar just made through another all in -- another chopped pot -- versus Joerg Engels. Meanwhile, Le had to fold his big blind to a button raise by chip leader Migeul Proulx.
Tayar has just 124,000, while Le has just 74,000. Michael Greco is nursing his short stack of 110,000 over at Table 267 as well.
Joerg Engels raised to 30,000 from the hijack seat, Tommy Le called from the cutoff, and the others folded. The flop came . Engels checked, Le bet 36,000, and Engels called. Both then checked the
The river was the . This time Engels led for 50,000, and Le folded. Engels has 450,000, while Le slips to 120,000.
Patrick Hanoteau raised to 30,000 from the cutoff, then Matthew Reed reraised to 108,000 from the button, leaving himself 136,000 behind. The blinds folded, Hanoteau reraised all in, and Reed called with his remaining chips.
The board came , and Hanoteau's kings up were best. Reed is out in 12th, while Hanoteau is now up to 1.2 million.