Jonathan Bascom Eliminated in 6th Place ($31,046)

Jonathan Bascom got his stack in again, this time against Karina Jett - but once again he survived, taking half the pot.
He anted off for a while, and then the following happened.
Bascom: /
David Warga: (XX) / - fold
Maxwell Troy: /
Bascom completed, and Warga raised. Troy reraised, and Bascom now attempted to call all in out of position. He took his chips back and waited for a while until Karina Jett decided to fold, and then he called all in. Both his opponents called.
Troy bet out on fourth street and Warga called. Troy bet out again on sixth street and this time Warga closed his eyes as though trying to enter a happy place where he had better cards than the ones in front of him. After a while he folded.
The rest of the cards were dealt, and Bascom's low failed to come in. Troy and his full house scooped the lot, and Bascom finally hit the rail.