Bonnie Leinhos Eliminated in 22nd Place ($5,607)

These players must have put Red Bull on their Weetabix this morning instead of milk, as within just a few hands, we had a four-way pot on the near table with two all-ins!
Both Bonnie Leinhos and Allen Bari moved all in on third street (the latter for 36,000), whilst Kevin MacPhee and David Warga proceeded to battle it out over the side pot.
Leinhos: /
Bari: /
MacPhee: {mucked on seventh}/
Warga: /
MacPhee check-called bets on all further streets, but folded in frustration on seventh. Warga announced aces and an eight low, whilst Bari flipped two pair to take the high. Leinhos, meanwhile, could but look at her cards in the hope they changed, but they didn't, and she was gone in 22nd.
Bari - 80,000
MacPhee - 75,000
Warga - 285,000